So, as I understand it, a new Mac will have the current Mac OS at its time of release set as its "default" recovery OS that is used with the Internet Recovery media.presumably without needing an AppleID. As I understand it, with the advent of Apple getting cheap/lazy and not providing physical recovery media with new Macs, the Internet Recovery was meant to take the place of that physical media. If so, then the suggestion that dante12 offered should help. If it was a model that came with Lion (aka 10.7.x) or Mountain Lion (aka 10.8.x) installed, then it came with the Internet Recovery option built-in. The other option is to get your hands on another Mac, create an AppleID to use and then buy Mountain Lion (aka 10.8.x) to be able use that AppleID to re-install Mountain Lion. Otherwise, you would need to use the recovery media (either a optical disc or USB drive depending on model) that originally shipped with the MacBook Pro to restore it to Mac OS X 10.6.x (aka Snow Leopard). The only possible exception to this was if that MacBook Pro was one of the ones that received a firmware update that allow it to use the Internet Recovery option.if so, then see the next paragraph.but I am not 100% sure if this true. If it is a model that came with Mac OS 10.6 (aka Snow Leopard), but was later upgrade to Mountain Lion (aka 10.8.x), then you will need an AppleID that was associated with a purchase of Mountain Lion to be able to re-install Mountain Lion as I understand it. The reason that I ask is that it may impact what your options are. Which model of the MacBook Pro is it? If you do not know, then you can use this page to find a way to identify it: Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read this. Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated.

My friend is really mad at me because her macbook is pretty much useless right now. None of the videos i watched told me i would need an apple ID and Password to reinstall the OS X or i would have never done it! I don't know Mac nearly as well as I know PC. Would it be easier to install another operating system? (windows, Linux) If so how do i begin doing that? dmg files to install an OS? (I only have a PC running windows 10)Ĭan I use this "Mac OS X base System" to recover the OS without my apple ID or password? dmg of El Capitan downloaded.Ĭan I make a bootable flash drive and install one of those. Is there a way i can install an OS X without an apple ID or password? So now when I turn on the Mac it just goes to the OS X Utilities options menu. She says she doesnt have an apple ID because this used to be her sisters computer. When I went to reinstall the OS X it asked me for apple ID and Password. I recently formatted my friends Macbook pro.